Want to keep your people inspired virtually?
The office may have become virtual but the needs of your organisation are still real and perhaps now clearer than ever. You need all your people to shine so you can work together to overcome the current challenges. All our interventions can be delivered virtually and the sessions below are specifically designed to help you in the current context. These workshops (90mins to 3hrs) are highly interactive and can be shaped to your needs.
Equip people with awareness, tools and mindset to thrive in a changing and ambiguous context.
• Understand change
• Explore reactions to change
• Empower people to manage themselves through change
Enable individuals and teams to explore motivation, connect with their “Why” and identify practical steps to sustain and enhance motivation when the going gets tough.
• Understand motivation and the link to performance
• Explore individual motivators using Motivational maps
• Identify practical steps to sustain and enhance motivation
Empower individuals, leaders and teams to define development and experience paths in an ever-changing context.
• Explore the meaning of “careers” in today’s context
• Identify the keys to career success and routes to career development
• Awaken possibilities in an ever-changing, ambiguous context
Equip remote, hybrid and international teams to communicate, collaborate and perform at their best.
• Explore what makes teaming go well
• Identify the current team-working challenges and opportunities
• Establish ways of working for successful remote teaming
Inspire leaders to shape inclusive and agile environments where talent can rise, to sustain performance through creative problem solving.
• Explore the meaning and impact of inclusive Leadership
• Share experiences and learnings, challenges and opportunities
• Identify practical steps to lead effectively in an uncertain, ambiguous context